
Customer Churn Prediction & Analysis

The main Objective of this project is to minimize customer churn by predicting the likelihood of churn among customers. Designed and coded the complete site using HTML, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Flask(Python), SQLite and the Machine Learning algorithms like Logistic Regression & XGBoost. The main goal of this project is to effectively predicts customer churn, providing valuable insights for businesses to retain at-risk customers.

Customer Churn Prediction & Analaysis

Competitive Exam Site (E-Learning)

Designed and coded Competitive Exam E-learning site using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Php and MySql. Currently Provide Guidance to Aspirants those who want to clear the difficult exams and view the details about other detail also. It consist of both TNPSC and UPSC Boards related resources

Tier Study (E-Learning)

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